A little about me

I'm a Software Developer, currently working for NTT Data Italia S.p.a. in Turin. I'm in a team that develop and maintaine quality app with Java.

I love understand how sites work and I'm interested on the latest technologies.

Some of my 👨🏽‍💻 experience

NTT Data Italia S.p.a.

Software Developer

  • Ticket resolution and management in Help Desk group.

  • Production and System Integration in a business platform, carefully evaluating the tests to be performed (automatic and otherwise) to measure performance, vulnerability and code integrity.

  • Maintenance of applications of the insurance sector and their development based on Java EE 6 - 8 technologies, Hibernate, JPQL, Struts, Struts2, Java Server Faces, WS Soap and Rest.

  • Management, analysis and manipulation of data in development, testing and production via SQL scripts